First Steps
I love a good story; whether it's the adventure of a fantasy, a scary tale of horror, a mind-bending Sci-fi saga... or, yes, even a romantic escapade. Give me a good plot, with well conceived characters and entertaining dialogue, and I'm in. I hope you find that I can bring you such stories.
On this site, you'll meet David "Little Hawk" Lightfoot, the young hero of "Shaman Tales- The Chronicles of Little Hawk". Preview the back cover copy, and experpted chapters from "So Much at Stake" (Book 1), "Spirit Path" (Book 2), "Shadow of the Windwalker" (Book 3), and "Bad Moon Rising" (Book 4). Also, check back for progress updates regarding "Shaman's Demise" (Book 5).
As an added bonus, if you've read "So Much at Stake", check out the screenplay I developed from the book (look for the camera icon on the "Shaman Tales" page, following the preview of the book, or below).
For our younger story lovers, there are previews of my picture books: "Little Louie Lizard Loses His Tail" and "The Story of Edwin- The First Christmas Tree". As well as my young reader chapter book: "Boo, and the Great Halloweenland Candy Caper".
If you like what you see, I've made it easy to find my books on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Just click one of the links located on the "Shaman Tales" page, the "Children's Books" page, or at the bottom of a book's preview page.
Check out the blog page for current status of my publishing effort. I hope you'll join me for, what I believe will be, some amazing adventures.
Happy Reading!
TL Stride
Photo: Orion Rises| From the the Mesa in Lybrook Badlands by John Fowler Original Image URL: https://www.flickr.com/photos/snowpeak/20908987186Reused under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/legalcode (if reusing image, please comply with license requirements)