Little Louie Lizard Loses His Tail
On the last day of autumn, little Louie Lizard is injured, by an accident of nature, and loses his tail. When he and his friends tell his mother how it happened, she tries to comfort him and assures her scared little lizard that everything will be alright. Regardless of his mother’s assurances, Louie spends the winter hibernation, worrying and having bad dreams about the loss of his tail; for how can he be a lizard if he doesn't have a tail?
Little Louie Lizard endeavors to show children, through the diversity of his friends, that no matter how different we may be, we can all love and care for one another. It also tries to reassure young ones, no matter how bad our imaginations make a situation appear, things may turn out alright in the end.

The Story of Edwin-
The First Christmas Tree
When Blinky, the star, finds his friend, Edwin, crying in the forest, the little star tries to comfort him by reminding him of the joyous event of this night; the new king and Savior had been born. This only makes Edwin feel worse as he reveals he is sad because he has no gift for the Savior, and all the other trees are making fun of him. Eager to help his friend, Blinky consults with two angels to find a suitable gift for Edwin to present to the baby. But, what gift could a sad little pine tree possibly offer a king?
The Story of Edwin strives to teach children that no matter how different we may seem from others, or how unimportant or unworthy we may sometimes feel, we are all special and have unique gifts to offer the world.

Boo, and the Great Halloweenland Candy Caper
When Billy sneaks into Halloweenland, on a dare, he encounters a friendly ghost named Boo who offers to show him around. During their tour, Boo introduces Billy to two of his friends: Pumpkinhead, a not-so-scary scarecrow, and a spirited little witch named Wednesday. When the kids head to Mr. Sweets’ candy shop, where all the candy in Halloweenland is made, they make a terrible discovery; someone has stolen all the candy in the store, and Halloween may be cancelled. Luckily, Billy finds a clue that could help identify the culprit, so he and his new friends set out to track down the burglar.
Can Billy, Boo, Pumpkinhead, and Wednesday catch the thief and return the candy to Mr. Sweets in time to save Halloween for the children of Halloweenland?
Note to Parents: “Boo, and the Great Halloweenland Candy Caper” is a young reader chapter book, it IS NOT a picture book. It is intended for children who are too old for picture books, but too young for Middle Grade and Young Adult novels. It contains short chapters, larger text, and mostly easy words. There are some more difficult words, young readers may need help pronouncing and defining… so be prepared to lend a hand if they get stuck.