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I'm Either a Little Early, or Very Late (Depending on Your POV)

It's been a long time coming, but "Boo, and the Great Halloweenland Candy Caper" has made its debut. I had hoped to have it out in time for Halloween 2021, but didn't meet that self-imposed deadline. Therefore I decided to shoot for Halloween 2022... and I made it with a lot of time to spare.

The thing that held me back on this story (besides being neck deep in editing./rewriting "Shadow of the Windwalker", which took almost an entire year) was the illustrations. Since this wasn't a picture book, and would have only a single illustration behind each chapter title, it took a bit to come up with what I felt was the right image for each chapter.

Anyway, "Boo, and the Great Halloweenland Candy Caper" is available on Amazon or Barnes & Noble as an e-book or in paperback. (FYI- as of this post the paperback is still in review on B&N. But it should be Live in the next day or so). I hope you'll pick up a copy of either version for your young reader; I'm sure they'll enjoy it.

Thanks for reading,






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