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It's been a busy couple weeks

I've been working on several things, recently, that have kept me away from this blog. First, I have been interviewed for a spot in a local paper highlighting the release of SO MUCH at STAKE. When the article is printed, I'll be sure to post it. I've also been busy trying to find a braille publisher for SO MUCH at STAKE, and trying to come up with a promotional idea. There are reasons I can't run the promotion I wanted to do through Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

I've also been busy reworking illustrations I created for my picturebook LITTLE LOUIE LIZARD LOSES HIS TAIL. I hope to publish this book on Amazon this Spring. Meanwhile, you can see the images, I've reworked, on Instagram (tlstride_author) and Twitter (@TLStride). Watch this site (and Twitter) for news on it's release (and a possibly a free preview of the book).

As far as the Shaman Tales- The Chronicles of Little Hawk series, I've been editing the second book, Spirit Path. But, if you've checked out the site, you already new the title :-). It's been challenging trying to edit this book while working on the illustrations for Little Louie. The pictures take a while to rework. They were originally hand-drawn and now I'm enhancing them with an editing program. It takes me at least a day (sometimes longer) to get through one. But, I still hope to have SPIRIT PATH ready for publication around the same time as Little Louie, but it may take until this Summer to release it. Fingers crossed. By the way, I am looking for beta readers, so if you'd like the chance to read SPIRIT PATH for free....

Finally, I'm still working hard to promote SO MUCH at STAKE. If you know any readers looking for a good book... Hint, Hint :-).






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Instagram: tlstride_author

Twitter: @TLStride



©2024 Terry Shaffer. Proudly created with for T.L Stride by Terry Shaffer.  

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