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What's Been Happening...

Since I last wrote an update on my publishing efforts a lot has happened..

I offered to do an author's reading of "Little Louie Lizard Loses His Tail" at the grand opening of a new library, when it can finally open. They said they have no plans to do a grand opening of the new branch. So I'm playing with the idea of recording a reading to put out.. not sure how to go about it yet... the gears are turning. I'll get back to you.

Next, still working on the local library, I submitted copies of "So Much at Stake" and "Little Louie Lizard Loses His Tail" for consideration to add to their collection. They have a local author program. UNFORTUNATELY, I found out today, due to the COVID-19 issues a lot of the library staff have been moved to emergency related positions in the county, so I'm on hold for a decision until they return to normal staffing. :-( My timing apparently STINKS! :-))

Next, oh this was cool, I discovered I had sales on International Amazon sites. Not many yet, but here's hoping :-). Hope they spread the word to friends and family.

I contacted a braille publisher about publishing "So Much at Stake" and "Spirit Path". I was hopeful, when they replied asking about my series. I sent them book one and told them about the others. Then, I got an email telling me they only publish a series if it is popular already (so blind kids can be reading the same books as their sighted peers), also they like to do the whole series (unless of course it is SUPER popular, like Harry Potter). They also said they've only published two series so far (Harry, of course and another I'm drawing a blank on). Anyone, besides me, wondering why they bothered to ask about my series if they rarely publish them???

I submitted a Press Release to our local monthly newspaper on the release of "Spirit Path". I haven't heard back if they are going to publish it, but I'm hoping they do.

I've also been working on different ads for my books. Only problem is the cost of placing them. I'm sorry, but I need both my arms and legs.

I just posted all the illustrations for "The Story of Edwin- the First Christmas Tree" to Instagram (tlstride_author) and Twitter (@TLStride). Check them out, and let me know what you think. I'd love to hear from you; I'd also appreciate if you chose to follow me on those sites.

Other than that, just been building my network on LinkedIn, trying to find ways to increase sales, praying someone discovers my books or my Screenplay, and getting ready to publish "The Story of Edwin".

Well, gotta run for now. These books don't write (or sell) themselves :-). At least not yet.

Take Care and Stay Safe,

As Always, Your Friend,

TL Stride





Follow me:

Instagram: tlstride_author

Twitter: @TLStride



©2024 Terry Shaffer. Proudly created with for T.L Stride by Terry Shaffer.  

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